Durbin Parkway 7 Manhole Rehabilitation

Project Name: Jacksonville Electric Authority Engineering Department
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Technologies Used: SprayWall® Structural Spray-Applied Liner
Time to complete: 3 weeks


7 manholes of various depth were in severely deteriorated condition, making them dangerous and unreliable, and requiring significant rehabilitation or replacement. Plans had been in place to completely replace them at a cost of approximately $1.8 million.


ESS, along with Sprayroq and the JEA Engineering Dept., put a plan together for structural rehabilitation to eliminate the anticipated significant surface and traffic disruption. The project required coordination for MOT and Bypassing, as well as community outreach. All manholes were Level 2 inspected to create the rehabilitation plan. SprayWall® structural spray-applied liner was applied to the vertical surfaces and troughs after each inlet was plugged and bypassed. Following application, spark testing and physical inspections were performed to ensure a monolithic lining application had been provided.


The liners were judged sound and the manholes put back into service at a cost of approximately $270,000. With the elimination of remove-and-replace issues, collections budget savings were well over an estimated $1,500,000.00 by using an in-situ repair method.